Monday, February 9, 2009

Baked Peppery Potato..... Fries?

Wouldn't  that be a contradiction in itself, I wondered, when I was thinking about the title to this post, if I used both baked and fries together. But after giving it some thought I concluded that no other term I could think of, describes this post better and decided to go with it....:-) Well moving on from the title to the substance of this post, what is it about fries that makes it so likable I wonder, is it the potato part, the fried part, or a combination of both. I haven't been able to figure it out as yet, but suffice to say that there is something about potato fries that makes it irresistible to most people. 

Unfortunately this has been one of the first casualties since I began watching my diet and I haven't had fries at any restaurant for a very long time. R who gave these up right along with me, occasionally feels a little pang when he remembers the good old times, when we used to order these without a single thought to stuff like saturated fat and trans fat, calories, etc etc. Last weekend,in one of my rare ventures into using potatoes in my kitchen, I decided to make these fries for R, and I was really glad I did, since I got to enjoy them too :-). R paid these fries the ultimate compliment, he said he could not tell that these were baked and tasted just as good as the fully fried ones. So try this  healthier version of fries as a snack or enjoy them as a side with your veggie burger :-)

Baked Potato

Ingredients and method to make Baked peppery potato fries.

2 large russet / or other baking potato (peeled and cut into even sticks about 1/4 inch wide)
freshly ground black pepper to taste( I used black and red pepper blend from McCormick )
salt to taste (I used freshly ground sea salt )
3 tbsp olive oil

Pre-heat oven to 425 deg F

Line a baking tray with foil or parchment paper and keep aside

In a bowl add olive oil, salt to taste and pepper to taste and mix together.

Add the dried potatoes to the bowl and toss together until each of the potatoes are evenly coated with olive oil mixture.

Place the potatoes on the lined baking tray in a manner that they are not touching each other.

Bake for about 15 to 20 minutes turning them over once in between to ensure even baking.  I baked for about 20 mins but if your potatoes are sliced thinner you may need lesser time.

Remove when potatoes are golden and serve hot with ketchup.


Varsha Vipins said...

slurpp..looks better than Mc fries..:)

Manju said...

who doesnt like fries and better still baked ones!!!!

Mahimaa's kitchen said...

yes, absolutely... who doesn't like fries? i have tasted baked fries at a friend's place.. it does taste awesome.. without any compromise in taste..

Mangala Bhat said...

wow ! simply delicious

Trupti said...

fries looks very delicious & little bit healthy too

Myvegfare said...

hey that sound's great!! my daughter would love this, she loves fries & pesters me to buy the frozen ones & eats they everyday if i give her a chance!I think this is great i must try this...ur photos are as usual r grt. :))

Anonymous said...

yummy and healthy :)
classic Usha recipe :)

Sum Raj said...

looking great

CurryLeaf said...

Looks yum and perfect.Definitely healthy than fried ones

Anonymous said...

Baked fried:-) looks just right. Half boiling them does reduce the need for fat/oil, without compromising the taste.

Unknown said...

Baked 'Fries' looks good Usha.I have tried making with sweet potatoes,I will definetely give this a try.

Ashwini said...

wow ..yummy and want to eat them right away..Looks good than Mac D and BK and healty too..

Sara said...

These look great, it's hard to go wrong with potatoes!

Sharmila said...

These are a must try .. I stay away from the mcfries because of all that salt and of course the fat. This is really a good one Usha. :-)

Suparna said...

Usha, Baking is a fantastic alternative for frying! and dishes like iressistable like this one...It's a blessing in disguise to forget the frying bit... ;)

karuna said...

wowow, potatoes....tht is a cool alternative to frying them. looks yummy.

Cham said...

I almost bake the fries pretty much every day for my son who is a great fan! The baked version is just awesome and none will find out! Looks good

sriharivatsan said...

Looking absolutely yummy..

Priyanka Agrawal said...

yummy! i love those! i always try to make it but mine never turn out perfect. thanks for the recipe, will try it sometime and let u knw :)

gtyuk said...

looks perfect, will be a nice combination with grilled or braised meat! yummy!

Chitra said...

will try with my kid.hope she likes it:)yummy fries!!

Swapna said...

Wow! mouthwatering potato... YUMMY! Will try soon

Unknown said...

thats a healthy version of having potatoes..looks yummy

suvi said...

the fries look perfect...baked fried is the way I'm gonna make them henceforth.

Laavanya said...

I make only baked versions of fries and wedges these days.. don't miss the fried ones at all. Looks awesome Usha.

Finla said...

Beautiful picture, i love the speckles of pepers on the fries.

Deepa Hari said...

Wow...Awesome fries Usha...Just love it.

Deepthi Shankar said...

I love baked fries too .. this one loojs gorgeous with those pepper seasonings .. yumm

Suganya said...

Lovely potato recipe. Looks so good. YUM! Healthy one....

Pam said...

I love baked fries - adding pepper is a great idea.

Preety said...

love these snack..perfect to eat anytime of the day i should say:(

Anonymous said...

Looks great ..Never tried pepper ..Good idea..Will try this version ...:)


Anonymous said...

these are great... i usually bake mine w/ skin and a dash of olive oil, some rosemary, and some salt and pepper... :)

Jaishree Iyer said...

Looks great ..usha:)

Amy said...

You could always call them chips like we do to avoid baked...fries :P

Seriously though these look fantastic! Mmmmm potato is my favourite food group.

Unknown said...

What a cool alternative for frying...way to go Usha

Dershana said...

The pic looks tempting! I make potato wedges with this method (except for the 2 coloured peppers). never tried for fingers. If it comes out as crispy, shud surely give it a shot :-)

Daily Meals said...

Baked fries look yummy...great picture too!

AnuSriram said...

Baked fries with the same gr8 taste! looks awesome...

Vishali said...

wow ...Usha ...i am also a big fan of fries and potato wedges....i will try this one definetly...

Dreamhomeforu said...

Healthy potato fries....who doesn't love fries? Wonderful click, makes me want to grab onto those fries through my laptop.

phanitha said...

Yumm...slurp...slurp....awesome click

A_and_N said...

We do this too every once in a while! :) Great pics.

Anonymous said...

Looks yummy Usha! Great pics!

Usha said...

Thanks all of you for visiting and your warm and encouraging comments.

Vegetation, now why did I not think of calling them chips...:-)

Mikky your recipe sounds yum too, will give that a try the next time...

Jayasri, Madhu, Food fanatic, Chitra , Swapna and Vishali do give this a try and let me know if you enjoyed this as much as we did :-)

Namrata Kini said...

Nice and yummy looking fries Usha. Will try it soon. Thanks for dropping by my blog.

PG said...

This recipeis so good. I will surely try this the next time as I love potatoes and so does sunny boy and I think this is the healthiest way to eat potato..fries? :D
The potatoes look so yummy too.

ARUNA said...

Usha, i'm a big fan of fries, i'm going to try this!!

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