It makes me doubly happy that the giveaway I mentioned earlier coincided with this day. This giveaway is open to all, anyone of you can enter to try and win a $60 gift certificate from CSN stores which you can use to buy anything from their 200+ stores.

Here is how you can enter (this is the mandatory part and will earn you one entry)
Leave a comment below telling me which vegetable you think you will not miss, if you give it up and never see it again .
Leave a valid email address where you can be contacted
Here is how you can increase your chances of winning this giveaway (each action earns you one additional entry, if you do more than one that will earn you more than one entry)
Blog about this giveaway with a link back to this post and leave me a separate comment with the link to your post so that I can find it.
Tweet about this giveaway and leave me a separate comment with your twitter id after you do it. (you can email me the id for privacy if you wish)
Become a fan of this page on facebook-Leave me a separate comment to let me know you are and under what name (you can email me the name for privacy if you wish).
Subscribe to this site by email , activate the subscription and leave a comment to let me know you have and your email address used to subscribe (you can email me the email id for privacy if you wish).
Please note that CSN stores only ships to the US and Canada, so for those you living in other countries, please let your families and friends in the US and Canada know so that they can participate, or try and win it for them yourselves :-)
The giveaway will end on May 27,2010 at 12 midnight EST.
A lucky winner will be selected by random generator on May 28th
Giveaway is courtesy of CSN stores. No monetary or any other form of compensation is received by me