For the longest time now I have been wanting to experiment using agave nectar entirely in Indian sweets but did not get around to it. Additionally this past few weeks I have been craving some kind of milk based sweet, every time I visit a friend's blog I seem to see some kind of milk based sweet which did not help matters either :-) Anyway the opportunity to do both presented itself when out of the loads of oranges I buy regularly in this season I landed up with a batch that seemed a little tangy. Normally on the rare occasions that I find myself with slightly tangy oranges I just toss the oranges in fruit salad with a host of other fruits.
But this time since I had been wanting to make payasam too, it got me wondering how payasam would taste if I used these oranges in it. Since there is no better way to know than to really try it, I decided to go ahead and see how this works out. At the end of the experiment, after thoroughly enjoying some of this payasam (tasting yummy stuff is one of the fringe benefits of cooking isn't it? ), I concluded that this was a successful experiment, the payasam turned out to be light, mildly sweet and fruity and the orange added an exotic touch to it.The saffron and oranges complemented each other and lent a pretty color to the payasam and from the reactions I received I would say this sweet is here to stay in my kitchen. :-)

Ingredients and method to make the orange payasam
3 1/2 cups milk ( I used 2 % but you can use whole milk)
few strands of saffron
pulp from 3 little oranges (approximately scant 1/4 cup)
1/4 cup agave nectar ( or substitute with 1/3 to 1/2 cup sugar according to taste)
3 tsp sugar (optional) (omit if using sugar instead of agave nectar)
Remove the outer skin of the orange, then remove and discard the inner thin skin and the seeds and just save and keep aside the pulpy part of the orange.
You know the drill, as with any other milk based payasam, the first step is to place the milk in a heavy bottomed large pan and heat on a medium to medium high heat. When the milk comes to near boil,add saffron strands to the milk and turn down the heat to medium to medium low and let it simmer for some time.
When the milk is on a low simmer add agave nectar (or sugar if you are using that ) and let it melt and mix with the milk.
When the milk is halved ( took me about 30 mins) and is looking creamy in both color and texture, remove from heat and keep aside.
Let it cool THOROUGHLY before adding the orange pulp to it. Do keep in mind, if orange pulp is added to milk before it cools completely the milk will curdle.
Chill this in the refrigerator for a few hours and serve cold.
Serves approximately 3
If using very sweet oranges in this payasam, reduce the sweetness a little if you like mild sweets.
This is my entry into the Sweet celebrations event being hosted by Aparna
This is also my entry into the Vegetarian Thanksgiving Recipe Carnival being hosted by Mansi.
What a novel way to incorporate oranges in kheer.. Love it!!
orange in a payasam? cool idea..i wud like have some please..
What a wonderful way to use oranges that are a bit tart. It looks so creamy and delicious. sweet......lovely
Lovely way to use oranges.I am yet to try agave nectar.I also saw it in another recipe of yours.From that day I am interested in using it.But no luck till now.
Combining a nectar in the kheer with oranges is lovely.Looks creamy and thick :P
This is really clever using oranges like this.
Looks delicious
Another delicious way to eat fruit, just awesome!
Oranges in payasam sound so delicious, yet I'd have never thought of it. A lovely recipe, Usha.
sounds delicious... thxs for sharing..
I've heard of this but never really made it at home:) looks delicious Usha! thanks for sharing it with us for the event!:)
I would've never thought to combine oranges & milk... looks to be such a pretty payasam.
As you can see, I am back from my holidays and a surprise is waiting for you on my blog. Check out my post AWARDS: LOADS OF THEM - AGAIN
looks yummy..nice recipe...
Very creative recipe, A totally different and yummy payasam Usha :)
wow..thats quite innovative Usha.loved it..:)
Hi Usha..(ur name reminds me of bright sunlight)...:-)
lentils n squash go great together..esp bengal gram, learned this from my mom, who in turn had learned it from my grandmom. Its a typical bengali dish. hope u like it!
oranges are my fav..infact when i was in florida...thts what i ate for brkfast lunch n all time in
great idea.
A totally different and yummy payasam Usha :)New to me.. Nice Recepie..
what a great idea Usha ..looks very delicious ..great work
this is the first time I'm seeing oranges and milk.. really interesting.. cooling off the milk before adding oranges is the key! Nice.. :)
Orange in payasam. Sounds interesting. Lovely recipe.
Very exciting! The first thing I thought was - will the milk not curdle but then many people add it to basundi too! Beautiful entry!
that totally new to me .. looks yumm
Hi Usha :) Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog :) I'm loving this recipe - I've already created a list of recipes from your blog thats on my "to cook" list :)
Thats a lovely idea! Looks delicious and the photo is tempting... A must try recipe for me..
Looks yummy!!!
hey chance illa.... orange in payasam such a new thought and wonderful looking....
can i have some for me....
Mom makes kheer like this but never bothered to ask her how, thought its lotta work... now after seeing your I just feel like having them...
i make this so often with the plenty of oranges available simple and delicious.
I do not know about agave nectar, but adding oranges to kheer has captivated my thinking :-))
lovely idea to add oranges to payasam! looks so good usha!
The kheer looks yummy.
looks delicious and inviting! join in the sweet event going in my blog!
Am speechless..lovely kheer..cant imagine like this..delicious..
This is gorgeous!I make something similar to this but I use pineapple instead.
The orange colour peeking out of your payasam looks lovely. I like fruity payasams (actually any payasam).:)
I wish agave nectar was available here.
Thanks for celebrating with me.
I would've love to have this for dessert today! There's something about milk and oranges that puts me in a holiday mood.
Nice.. didn't the citrus curdle the milk? I am curious.
Agave is my favorite sweetener for now :)
Ah! Now I read the tip... cool before adding the oranges... sorry did not see it before.
Usha, isn't your family back in Bombay? Are everyone safe?
That must smell great with the orange and saffron!
I love oranges and love kheer, the two together must be a killer combo!
Never tried orange in payasam. Thanks for sharing the recipe dear...
Payasam with orange sounds really interesting....will try this.
Thanks for sharing
I saw this once at Nupur's blog, bookmarked it but never got around to making it. Perhaps now is the time? :)
Great recipe Usha....Orange in payasam, I would have never thought of that combo :-)
I love orange everything! Looks good!
This looks like a wonderful treat!
it sounds unique and new for me!
join in the SWEET event going in my blog!
very innovative sweet! I am sure the orange twist to the kheer will be delicious.
wow yaar this is very innovative.. good idea will try it for sure...
Hello Usha,
Thanks to YOU for stopping by my blog and letting me know one more creative vegetarian blogger like you. First time in your blog too and all I could say is that your recipes really encourages me to eat more vegetarian food. You're doing a wonderful job Usha! And thank you for the compliments!
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