Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sugar Free Carrot Ginger Juice

Do you ever worry about the amount of daily activity all of us do on the computer and the effect it may have on our eyes ?  Scary thought I know, but it just struck me, these days I seem to spend an awful amount of time within a few feet of the computer screen staring at it while I work. I used to be the kind of person who used to carefully measure the distance from the television and make sure I never came within six feet from the screen while viewing it, because I was afraid it may impact my vision. It seems unavoidable though, since so much of our lives and activities, now revolve around the computer.

I decided to research........where of course, to see if I was doing all that I could to help my eyes stay healthy. In the course of my research I came across some interesting finds, apparently blueberries, red onions, sweet potatoes and spinach are good for our eyes.I was also surprised to find one article suggest that going for brisk walks at least four times a week helps in preventing or curing some types of eye conditions. Read the entire article here for more tips and suggestions to prevent eye strain and improved eye health 

And of course, including more carrots in our diet is a no-brainer when it comes to eye health. I avoid the carrot juices available in the store, because they do not taste as fresh as the homemade ones and some of them have added sugar in them too. Instead I prefer to make my own sugar free carrot juice with a touch of ginger, lemon, salt and pepper in it. If you plan to try this and like me, do not want to waste the extracted pulp, then you can use it in this carrot roti or in carrot cookies which I plan to post tomorrow :-)


Click here for a printable view of this recipe

Ingredients and method to Make Sugar free Carrot Juice
4 large carrots chopped into 1/4 inch pieces
1 tbsp finely chopped ginger
1/2 tsp salt (or according to taste)
dash of freshly ground black pepper powder (or to taste)
1 tsp lime juice
2 cups of filtered/ drinking water

Using a blender, blend together carrots and ginger along with the drinking water.

Strain the juice using a fine sieve. Press the pulp with the back of a spoon to make sure all the juice has been extracted.
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Add lime juice, salt and pepper to the extracted juice and mix well. Pour and serve, or refrigerate and serve cold later. This yields 2 cups of juice.

The pulp can be used in this carrot roti or can be used in a cookie recipe, which I will be posting tomorrow.

Carrot juice tastes best fresh or within a few hours of making it.
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